
Effect of organisational agility and competitive action on competitive advantage study on small businesses in Banten Province, Indonesia

Effect of organisational agility and competitive action on competitive advantage study on small businesses in Banten Province, Indonesia Referensi untuk makalah ini: Nina, S.M., Raharja, S.J., Tahir, R., dan Purnomo, M. (2024) ‘Pengaruh kelincahan organisasi Baca Selengkapnya…


The impact of Human Resources Information Systems on individual innovation capability in Tunisian companies: The moderating role of affective commitment

The impact of Human Resources Information Systems on individual innovation capability in Tunisian companies: The moderating role of affective commitment Indonesia Text Penelitian ini berfokus pada studi tentang dampak penggunaan Sistem Informasi Sumber Daya Manusia Baca Selengkapnya…


University stakeholders’ perceptions of the impact and benefits of, and barriers to, human resource information systems in Spanish universities

University stakeholders’ perceptions of the impact and benefits of, and barriers to, human resource information systems in Spanish universities Indonesia Text Tujuan dari artikel ini adalah ganda: (1) untuk memeriksa persepsi pemangku kepentingan universitas tentang Baca Selengkapnya…