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THE ROLE OF HR IN THE DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF RENEWABLE ENERGY Introduction The world is witnessing a critical shift towards sustainable practices, and one of the most crucial areas of focus is the development Baca Selengkapnya…
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Michael Fullan – Deep Learning_ Engage the World Change the World-Corwin_ 1 edition (2017)
Deep Learning Engage the World Change the World. Michael Fullan, Joanne Quinn, Joanne Mceachen Introduction: Deep Learning: Engage the World, Change the World by Michael Fullan, Joanne Quinn, and Joanne McEachen explores a transformative approach Baca Selengkapnya…
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Book “Deep Learning 2019” by John D. Kelleher Introduction to the Book “Deep Learning 2019” by John D. Kelleher The Deep Learning book by John D. Kelleher is part of the MIT Press Essential Knowledge Baca Selengkapnya…
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Etta R Hollins – Culture in School Learning_ Revealing the Deep Meaning (2008)
Culture in School Learning: Revealing the Deep Meaning, Second Edition The foreword by Herbert Kohl in Culture in School Learning: Revealing the Deep Meaning, Second Edition emphasizes the importance of understanding cultural dimensions in the Baca Selengkapnya…
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Buku Panduan Penggunaan Generative AI pada Pembelajaran di Perguruan Tinggi ver1.1
PANDUAN PENGGUNAAN GENERATIVE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (GenAI) PADA PEMBELAJARAN DI PERGURUAN TINGG IntroductionThe rapid development of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) has created significant disruptions in higher education. GenAI’s ability to generate creative content such as text, Baca Selengkapnya…
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MIT Sloan management review winter 2025
MIT Sloan management review winter 2025 The Winter 2025 issue of the MIT Sloan Management Review focuses on strategies to prevent burnout by improving work design. The article “Design Work to Prevent Burnout” by Sharon Baca Selengkapnya…
Book's Publisher
Public Policy Analysis (Corinne Larrue, Peter Knoepfel, Frederic Varone)
Public Policy Analysis (Corinne Larrue, Peter Knoepfel, Frederic Varone) Pendahuluan dalam buku Public Policy Analysis oleh Peter Knoepfel, Corinne Larrue, Frédéric Varone, dan Michael Hill menguraikan berbagai tantangan yang dihadapi oleh aktor sektor publik di Baca Selengkapnya…
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PERILAKU ORGANISASI Latar belakang perilaku organisasi memang penting untuk memahami bagaimana studi ini berkembang dari waktu ke waktu dan mengapa pendekatan terhadap manusia dalam organisasi berubah secara signifikan. Berikut adalah penjelasan lebih mendalam mengenai latar Baca Selengkapnya…