The hospitality industry, particularly the hotel sector, plays a pivotal role in driving tourism and economic growth, especially in regions like West Java, Indonesia. With the rise of global competition and evolving consumer preferences, star-rated hotels face growing challenges to maintain their market position and deliver superior service. This increasing competition underscores the importance of strategic approaches to ensure sustainability and growth in this highly competitive landscape.
The purpose of this study is to explore the critical factors that contribute to achieving a competitive advantage within the hospitality industry in West Java. Focusing on the interrelationships among market orientation, human capital, service quality, and competitive advantage, this research aims to provide valuable insights that can guide hotel management toward improved performance. Through quantitative research, we examine how effective market orientation and high-quality human capital can enhance service quality and, in turn, create a competitive advantage that sets star-rated hotels apart from their competitors.
To enhance the competitiveness of the hospitality industry in West Java by leveraging market orientation, human capital development, and exceptional service quality, creating sustainable growth and superior customer satisfaction within the tourism sector.
the biographical notes and citation details for the authors of the research paper titled “Effect of Organizational Agility and Competitive Action on Competitive Advantage: Study on Small Businesses in Banten Province, Indonesia.” These biographical notes offer brief backgrounds of the authors involved in the study, their academic affiliations, and their research interests.
Here is a breakdown of the information:
Sitti Ma’ani Nina:
Sam’un Jaja Raharja:
Rusdin Tahir:
Margo Purnomo:
This is detailed information about an academic article titled “The Power of Human Capital to Achieve a Competitive Advantage: Survey of the Hospitality Industry in West Java (2022-2023).” Here’s the breakdown:
This article was published in the Sosiohumaniora journal, which focuses on social sciences and humanities. The article discusses the role of human capital in achieving competitive advantage in the hospitality industry in West Java during the period of 2022-202