The influence of compensation, development, and supervision towards the performance of civil servants in depok city government, Indonesia
Muh. Kadarisman | Peter Walla (Reviewing editor)
The aim of this research is to understand and analyze the influence of compensation, development, and supervision towards the performance of civil servants in the Government of Depok City. This research used Mixes Method, which merged the quantitative and qualitative methods simultaneously. The quantitative design used explanatory survey, and data analysis used Structural Equations Modelling (SEM) and software Lisrel 8.72 version. It also used descriptive method, qualitative design, and purposive sampling to obtain a deep and thorough explanation. The instrument of the research used questionnaire, observation, interview, and FGD, which are analyzed by emic, etic (verstehen), and triangulation approach. The result of the research is: 1. Compensation is significantly influential at level 5% of mistakes toward the performance of civil servants as 0.61. There are also indicators that make up the Compensation Variable which provide the biggest contribution here is the Indicator X5 by 0.86, which is about justice in giving bonuses. The policy of giving compensation is apparently able to increase the performance of the civil servants. 2. The influence of development towards the performance of the civil servants is significant with error rate at 5%, as 3.77, but it has a negative relation. It means that the development of civil servants is proven to be able to improve their performance. However, this condition can have negative impact if the development is not accordance with the needs. 3. It has a significant influence between the supervision towards the civil servants with error rate at 5%, as 4.84, but it has a negative relation. It means that the supervision towards civil servants is able to increase their performance if the supervision is carried not for searching the mistakes (without legitimate proof), so that the improvement of the performance is hard to achieve. This means that the supervision of the Government of Depok City towards civil servants is very important to be carried out to maintain the existence of the organization, motivate civil servants to be able to develop and discipline in carrying out the workload. Supervision is able to educate civil servants to comply with and enjoy the rules, procedures, and policies that exist, so that they can produce the best performance. Supervision of civil servants runs very well, so it provides several benefits including the fulfillment of applicable norms and consistent enforcement of work discipline. It is also able to increase the efficiency and productivity of its work, which ultimately has an effect on the amount of take home pay, because the amount of income is calculated based on the performance of civil servants in real terms.
1. Introduction
The important element related to the performance of employee is the compensation that is given to the employee. By the compensation, here is the responsibility of Human Resource Management that connected to every reward that is received by the individual as a reward of the implementation of organizational duties . Civil servants dedicate their energy and mind to get financial or non financial reward from the Republic of Indonesia. The civil servant decides the expected compensation when a certain level of performances is achieved. That expectancy determines the aim and the level of performance in the future (Ririvega, 2013). The Civil servants who have reached required level of performance expect certain level of compensation. However, in reality, the civil servants are not fully given fairly compensation either internal equity or external equity (Ansell & Gash, 2007). In real life, after the civil servants meet the performance and are given compensation, the civil servants’ performance still needs to improve to meet higher target and a better performance. Basically, the development is a learning opportunity that is designed to help the civil servants. The investment in employee development is an expenditure to fix the productive capacity of civil servants. (Kadarisman, 2017a).
To face the demand of the duty and especially to answer the dynamic challenges of the future, the development of the civil servants is a must. By the proper and good development program of the Civil servants, the institution of the Government of Depok City will have a competitive power and will be able to compete positively, and will be hard to be copied by other organizations unit. One of the encouragement to have a good performance in government institution is the chance to get promotion in their career, aside from other reasons, such as better social status and looking for earning. It is a nature of human to be better, advanced, and wants to achieve a better/higher position. Therefore, the development of civil servants (either new or old) needs to be planned and done simultaneously. To make the development of the civil servants work, the government of Depok City needs to arrange the employee’s development program first. The civil servants’ development program needs to be carefully arranged, based on scientific methods, and is oriented to the skills, which are needed by the organization in the present or future time. The development of the civil servants indeed needs a lot of budget, but it is a long-term investment for the organization towards its employees. Skilled and clever (highly competence) civil servants can affect the improvement of organization. They are expected to perform professionally, efficiently and effectively, lessen raw material wasting and worn out machines, and work better. So, the organization will be more competitive.
This condition definitely would make better opportunity for the Government of Depok City and the employees to gain bigger benefits. The strategy to develop civil servants, which is known as organizational management, has to be flexible in accepting new ideas despite the fact that it is not fit nor able now to do a fundamental reformation towards practices and conventional policies. The well-qualified civil servants, the introduction programs, and the well-qualified training (training-need assessment) have not fully guaranteed to eliminate the gap between performance skill and duty demand, which is ended in increasing a whole organizational performance productivity. To achieve that high performance, aside from the development of the civil servants, the government organization needs supervision. The supervision towards the civil servants in Depok City is an activity to control the duty implementation or performance that is done by the employees. So, the process of the performance is in accordance with the expected result. The meaning of supervision in this research is the function in functional management that needs to be implemented by the head of all units or task forces toward the implementation of the performance of civil servants in accordance with employee’s main duty or team performance. So, the supervision by the manager, especially in a direct supervision from the manager to the subordinate (closed supervision/built in control), is a activity to prevent any deviation in implementing the performance.
A deviation or mistake, which happens or not happen in the implementation of the performance is caused by the level of ability and skill among the civil servants. The employees that always get the leads or guidance from their supervisor tend to do lesser deviations or mistakes than those who do not. Hence, the employee development through supervision is needed. The goal of supervision is to prevent deviation in their work. In other word, supervision is a phase to measure whether the set goals are satisfyingly achieved or not. The supervision is closely related to the problems of comparing events with previously planned plans, as well as corrections that need to be made if events in reality are distorted rather than plans (Argyris & Schön, 1974). The civil servants in Depok City hold the main role in implementing the cycle of the organizational life. The civil servants needs opportunities to develop, but it needs to be supported with objective supervising element, and also feasible and equal compensation. Therefore, the required performance level can be predicted to be fully achieved. The above explanations, especially about compensation, development, and supervision of civil servants in Depok City, have not shown optimal result even though there are efforts to the correction.
Based on the explanations, the research questions in this research are: 1. Is there any influence of compensation towards the performance of Civil servants in Depok City? 2. Is there any influence of development towards the performance of Civil servants in Depok City? 3. Is there any influence of supervision towards the performance of civil servants in the Government of Depok City? 4. How is the influence of simultaneous compensation, development, and supervision toward the performance of civil servants in the Government of Depok City? The aims of this research are: 1. To understand and analyze the influence of compensation towards the performance of civil servants in the Government of Depok City. 2. To understand and analyze the influence of development toward the performance of civil servants in the Government of Depok City. 3. To understand and analyze the influence of supervision towards the performance of civil servants in the Government of Depok City. 4. To understand and analyze how the influence of simultaneous compensation, development, and supervision toward the performance of the Government of Depok City.
2. Theory
2.1. Compensation of civil servants
Compensation in general is a remuneration provided by the State to Civil Servants, which may be both financial and non-financial in a fixed period. Compensation is very influential for public organizations and for Civil Servants. Compensation is beneficial for the development of Civil Servants and for public organizations, the benefits of employees will work even harder. The amount of compensation given to Civil Servants is determined by: a. price/value of work; b. the compensation system applied; and c. the factors that affect compensation. Mondy, Noe and Premeaux (1996) assert that the components of the overall compensation program are encompassed by external and internal environments, the forms of compensation can be both financial and nonfinancial.
Furthermore, financial compensation is divided into direct and indirect compensation, and non-financial compensation is divided into matters relating to occupations and matters relating to the work environment. The compensation for Kadarisman (2016) is what an employee receives in return for the work he or she provides. Accordingly, compensation herein constitutes an exchange of services provided to the Civil Service or as a reward for the work it has done, therefore compensation reflects the price of the Civil Servant’s ability and expertise, or the respect for the education and training they have acquired. The same thing was also put forward by Ivancevich (1995), who asserted that compensation is a function of Human Resource Management related to each type of reward received by individuals in return for the implementation of organizational tasks. In Law No. 5 of 2014 on State Civil Apparatus, Article 79 states that: (1) The Government is obliged to pay a fair and proper salary to Civil Servants and ensure the welfare of Civil Servants; (2) Salaries as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be paid in accordance with workload, responsibility, and occupational risk; and (3) The salary as referred to in paragraph (2) shall be carried out in stages.
If paying attention to the current payroll (2017) the amount has not met the needs of decent living, and this condition is suspected as a driver of corruption. In addition to the conditions of the salary structure does not meet the principle of “equity”, because the salary is not associated with competence and achievement, and the salary structure is less than ideal and the lowest and highest salary ratio is too small (1: 3.3). The consequence is a pension system that does not guarantee the welfare of Civil Servants, after entering the service period. Therefore, the presence of Law Number 5 Year 2014 on the State Civil Apparatus in replacement of Law No. 8 of 1974 on the Principles of Personnel as amended by Law Number 43 Year 1999 and replaced by Law Number 5 Year 2014 on the State Civil Apparatus is expected to provide adequate payroll system improvement according to the performance of Civil Servants.
2.2. Development of civil servants
Development of Civil Servants according to Kadarisman (2017) is a process of how Civil Servants gain experience, skills and attitudes to be or achieve success in the organization. Other experts (Hanafi, 2004) assert that Civil Servants development is a long-term education process that uses systematic and organized procedures, managerial employees study conceptual and theoretical knowledge to achieve common goals. The same thing (Notoatmodjo, 2003) suggests that the development of employees is a process of planning education, training and management of Civil Servants to achieve an optimum result. From the definition, the term development includes the definition of training and education as a means of improving skills and knowledge common to Civil Servants. Explained that the efficiency of a public organization is very dependent on both the poor development of Civil Servants as members of the organization itself.
In public organizations aimed at providing services to the public, this goal can be achieved well if the Civil Servants are trained and educated perfectly. To improve the skills and skills of Civil Servants in carrying out the tasks assigned to him, one of the ways that should be done is to provide opportunities to employees both old Civil Servants and new employees to follow the education and training according to their needs. New Civil Servants who are recruited by the government every time, need training (Pre-Position) before they can perform the duties that are required. As for the old Civil Servants, they need training because of the demands of their current duties, or to prepare themselves for occupying other positions.
Although the development effort of the Civil Service is very time consuming and costly, it must be done for every public organization so that employees can perform their work more effectively and efficiently. Better skills and attitudes, and wider knowledge supported by the personal expertise of each Civil Servant will bring benefits to the organization and the employees themselves. Civil Servants development goals are public organizations will be achieved well if employees can perform tasks efficiently. Therefore, to improve the working ability of Civil Servants, public organizations must carry out their employees’ development efforts. So the purpose of developing Civil Servants is to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of employees in achieving the results of work that has been determined.
2.3. Supervision of civil servants
Kadarisman, (2017) explains that supervision is an activity undertaken to control the execution of tasks or jobs undertaken by a person to process the work according to desired results. The same thing was put forward by Siagian (2004) that supervision is a process of observation from the implementation of the whole organization, to ensure that all work underway is carried out in accordance with predetermined plans. The same thing is also stated by Kartono (2002), that in the supervision of the followers in general can work together well towards the achievement of goals and general goals of the organization. The supervision here is to measure the results of the work, and to avoid any deviations, if necessary, to promptly take corrective action against such deviations. It is emphasized that such supervision is a step at once one of the most important organizational management functions in public organizations. It is said that, because through supervision, examined whether the things listed in the implementation went well or not.
To ensure that all the work that the leader has given to his subordinates can go according to plan, the leader must have the ability to guide, demand, guide, motivate, steer the organization, establish good communication networks, good oversight sources, and bring followers to the intended target according to the provision, time and planning (Kartono, 2002). In the environment of Civil Servants is known inherent supervision, namely observation activities, observation rate, direct the work, the authority submitted by superiors to subordinates so that if violating the rules, it can be given sanctions against subordinates structurally and carried out on an ongoing basis.
The monitoring indicators used in the measurement of these variables are as follows. a. Determine the size of the implementation, meaning ways to measure implementation such as continuity or some minimum requirement to supervise in a time such as once a week or several times a month and maybe even a few hours every day. b. Giving an assessment, meaning to give value to every job given to subordinates, whether the work is good or ugly. c. Corrective, i.e. corrective action is intended as an internal correction that is evaluating various methods of supervision such as the standard is too high, and externally that is giving sanctions to subordinates (Kartono, 2002). Therefore, oversight should be viewed as an information system, as the speed and timing of corrective action as a result of the oversight process depends on the kind of information received (Fattah, 2004).
Kansil and dan Christine (2011) argues that such supervision is very important to ensure the implementation of government policy. Thus, supervision is an attempt to ensure: a. harmony between the implementation of government tasks by local government and central government; b. the smoothness of government administration in a useful and effective manner. Central government oversight of local government includes: 1) general supervision, intended to make the implementation of local government can run effectively and efficiently. The general supervisor is the Minister of Home Affairs, the head of the region, namely the Governor, the Regent, the Mayor, as the regional government; 2) preventive monitoring, which requires that every regional legislation and district head’s decision on certain subject passes after being supervised; and 3) repressive supervision, concerning the suspension or restriction of local regulations that are contrary to public interest or higher level of legislation.
2.4. Performance of civil servants
Bernardin & Russell (1993) (in Sulistiyani & Dan Rosidah, 2009) suggests that employee performance is an outcome recapitulation generated from certain employee functions, or activities performed over a period of time. Described that the performance of an overall position equal to the number (average) of the performance of the function of employees or activities undertaken. Thus, the notion of performance here does not mean to assess the individual characteristics of the Civil Service, but refers to a series of results obtained over a given period of time. Other experts (Mangkunegara, 2007) assert that performance is defined as the work of quality and quantity achieved by an employee in performing his duties in accordance with the responsibilities given to him. So, the performance here is something that Civil Servants achieve, the achievements shown, and the employee’s ability to work. A person’s performance is a combination of ability, effort and opportunity that can be judged by his work (Sulistiyani & Dan Rosidah, 2009).
The same thing is stated by Sedarmayanti (2010) that the performance indicators of Civil Servants are something that will be calculated and measured and used as a basis to assess or see the level of employee performance, whether in the planning, implementation, or after the completion of the activity. Performance Indicators of Civil Servants are used to ensure that the performance of the organization/work unit of the employee concerned shows improvement of capability to reach the objectives and targets that have been determined. In general, performance indicators have a function to clarify what, how and when activities are carried out; creating consensus built by various stakeholders to avoid misinterpretation during the implementation of the policy/program/activity and in assessing its performance; and establish the basis for the measurement, analysis, and evaluation of organizational performance/work units.
Related to this, Sedarmayanti, (2001) asserted that employee performance measurement includes several aspects, namely: quality of work; promptness; initiative; capability; and communication. Furthermore, Mangkunegara (2007), describes the factors that affect employee performance consists of internal factors and external factors. Internal factors (dispositional) are associated with one’s traits. For example, a person’s performance is good because it has high ability and someone is hardworking type, whereas someone has bad performance because the person has low ability and the person does not have any efforts to improve his ability. External factors, i.e., factors that affect a person’s performance coming from the environment, such as behaviors, attitudes, and actions of co-workers, subordinates or leaders, work facilities, and organizational climate.
3. Methods
3.1. Research design
This research used Mixed Method Research of the quantitative method, because it examines hypothesis and descriptive method to gain result about the formulation of the problem and the aim of the research thoroughly and deeply. Quantitatively, the design of this research used explanatory survey as one of scientific researches, which gathered information and data from the respondent by using questionnaire from sample that represent whole population. This research used quantitative approach that examined its hypothesis which are built from the determined theory. Hypothesis in this research is examined by data analysis that had direct impact of independent variable. The examined hypothesis are “Compensation of civil servants” as the first influencing variable (X1), “Development of civil servants” as the second influencing variable (X2), and “Supervision of civil servants” as the third influencing variable (X3), and “the performance of civil servants” as the dependent variable (Y). Its aim is also to analyze the influence of independent variable towards dependent variable, and how the influence of each variables is, then analyze the influence between one variable and the other variables. The data of this research is obtained by using a list of questions instrument (questionnaire) that is asked to the respondents. The respondents are some of the civil servants in the Government of Depok City who are related to compensation, development, supervision, and the performance of the Civil servants. The answers of the questionnaire are the main information of this research. Then, a scoring is done to the answers of the respondents from the given questionnaire, and being tabulated and processed with Statistical Package Social Sciencie (SPSS) 11.5 version.
3.2. Data
Data analysis used is a descriptive statistic data. Data analysis stressed out the correlation among variables that is focused on the description or the explanation towards the variable. By seeing at the correlation among the variables of this research, it is expected to understand those four variables or substances that are being researched. Similar with the aim of the research, the data analysis is done by using Structural Equation Model. This model is a range of statistical techniques that make it possible to do the examination towards the series of relations that are merely complicated and simultaneously. In Structural Equation Model, a variable which is not influenced by other variables is called exogenous variable or independent variable, while other variable that is influenced by other variables is called endogenous variable or dependent variable. In this research, the compensation is an exogenous latent variable (ξ1), the development of civil servants is exogenous latent variable, and the supervision of civil servants is exogenous latent variable, while the performance of civil servants is endogenous latent variable. There are 10 indicators in compensation as latent variable. They are the satisfaction of main salary (X1), the satisfaction of the take home pay (X2), the salary conformity with the risk of the performance (X3), bonus (X4), bonus given fairly (X5), the fairness and appropriateness of bonus (X6), position allowance (X7), child allowance (X8), the fairness in promotion (X9), and work facilities (X10). Exogenous variable of the development of civil servants (ξ2) has three sub-latent variables. They are physical quality, the increasing of mental development, and the goal achievement that 112121are corresponding with 9 indicators. They are the nutrition of the body needs (X11). Longer life level (X12), sufficient education level (X13), security on social life, economic, culture, politic, religion, etc. (X14), a safety relief being protected from strong freedom (X15). Furthermore, the indicators for the development of civil servants, are the indicators of the improvement of the ability of civil servants (X16), the improving skill of the civil servants (X17), the enhancement of civil servants (X18), the improvement of ability of civil servants to be more efficient and effective in achieving target of the program (X19).
The exogenous variable of supervision of civil servants (ξ3) has 9 indicators. They are the implementation of the performance accordingly to the target (X20), work permit (X21), permission on using facilities (X22), willingness to sacrifice personal time (X23), willingness to obey the superior’s command (X24), willingness to do morning ceremony (X25), the awareness to avoid Collusion, Corruption, and Nepotism (X26), ability to submit and obey (X27), and willingness to cooperate (X28). Questionnaire is arranged in closed questions based on rating scale with five alternative answers. Each answer is given scored with this scale: 1. Answer A: score given is 5; 2. Answer B: score given is 4; 3. Answer C: score given is 3; 4. Answer D: score given is 2; 5. Answer E: score given is 1. The scores are given the value weights on each categories with the same answer to get grade score (Table 1). Endogenous variable of performance (η) and its constituent components are salary (Y1), achievement (Y2), the degree of satisfaction (Y3), work satisfaction (Y4), quality (Y5), amount of work (Y6), lot of work (Y7), work commitment (Y8), and work effectiveness (Y9). Next, based on the framework which explains causal connection among variables, then is described in path diagram. Aside from being a visual perspective of the correlation relation, the path diagram also allows the researcher to present possible relations between constructs (eg. relation between free and bound variables), and also to combine relations between constructs and indicators.
3.3. Data source
Source of data used in this study consists of primary data and secondary data. Primary data obtained through direct survey to the field. They are some of civil servants in the Government of Depok City, who are related directly or indirectly in the compensation of Civil servants, the development of civil servants, the supervision of civil servants, and the performance of civil servants. Towards the respondents, the data is collected by using research instrument, which is a list of questions/questionnaire. The primary data is obtained by doing observation to the field research, semi-open interview which is guided by In-depth Interview Orientation towards the informants. The informants are chosen by using purposive sampling method with 12 civil servants of the Government of Depok City. Focus Group Discussion is done with 5 civil servants of the Government of Depok City. Therefore, the amount of informants are 17 civil servants, who were analyzed using emic and etic approach, which produced deeper understanding (verstehen) and being processed by triangulation (crosscheck and recheck). All of the quantitative and qualitative data from certain instruments are analyzed simultaneously. Aside from the primary data, this research used secondary data, which is obtained from many sources, such as books, journals, and so on which are relevant to the topic of this research. The questionnaire is done by doing validity test and variable reliability test. The process of questionnaire conformity test is as below. The validity of the research instrument is done with Product Moment correlation statistic from Person. Reliability measurement instrument research is done by using coefficient alpha from Cronbach (1984). Coefficient a is shown by: a = k.r/[1+ (k-1) r]. Note: k = the amount of variable manifest that form latent variable; r = the average corellation among variable manifest. The amount of this coefficient is between 0 to 1. The bigger the reliability value the higher reliability measurement used. The aim of reliability coefficient calculation is to find out the consistency level of the answer of the respondents. Score that is near to number 1 is shown the level of consistency of the answer of the respondents.
3.4. Validity and reliability
The validity of question items in the questionnaire can be known from corrected item that is bigger from the previous research. After finishing the validity and reliability test towards the research instrument of pre-research, this instrument is used in the research. The attitude of the respondent on every question is analyzed by using Likerts Scale. Every variable is first being elaborated in a dimension and operationalized into indicator to gain data from quantitative variable.
3.5. Data analysis
This research used Structural Equation Model analysis technique. Based on the aims of this research, data was analyzed with Structural Equation Model. This is a compilation of statistical techniques that allow the examination towards a range of connections which are complicated and simultaneously. In Structural Equation Model, a variable that is not influenced by other variables is called exogenous variable or independent variable. And the variable that is influenced by other variables is called endogenous variable or dependent variable. In this research, the development of the civil servants is the exogenous latent variable (ξ1), the supervision of the civil servants is the exogenous latent variable (ξ2), the compensation of the civil servants is the exogenous latent variable (ξ3), and the performance of the civil servants is the exogenous latent variable (η).
4. Results
The validity of this research is used to measure the validity of the questionnaire from compensation, development, supervision, and performance variables of civil servants in the Government of Depok City. The instrument validity was tested from Product Moment correlation. If the correlation coefficient is positive and bigger than 0.3, the instrument is valid. To find out whether the questionnaire is valid, the achieved rxy (r-counted) is consulted with r-table of Product Moment in 5% significant rate or the level of trust is 95%. If r-counted > r-table, the questionnaire is valid. If the r-counted < r-table, the questionnaire is not valid. The questionnaire of the research of the compensation, development, supervision, and performance of civil servants in the Government of Depok City, asked with 42 questions, is examined up to 20 samples of civil servants in Depok City. The result is then analyzed by using Product Moment of validity test with SPSS software. The result from 42 questions on the questionnaire with 5% error rate is and 95% level of trust is 4 questions out of 42 questions asked are not valid and therefore is expelled from the questionnaire. Reliability is the accuracy of a measurement tool in measuring things and showing the level of a reliability of an instrument in collecting data. It means that whenever we use the measuring tool, the result is always the same (Sugiyono, 2016). To find out the reliability level of instrument on the compensation, development, supervision, and performance of civil servants in the Government of Depok City, Cronbach Alpha coefficient is used. If the alpha value is > 0.6, the data of the instrument result is reliable. A construct or variable is reliable if the value of Cronbach Alpha is > 0.6 (Ghozali and Fuad, 2008). According to Hair et al. (2009) the measurement of reliability for Structural Equation Model can be done by using composite/construct reliability measure. It is reliable if the construct reliability is > 0.70 and variance extracted value is >0.50.
The result of reliability test in this research is 0.986. It means that the instrument (the questionnaire for the civil servants in the Government of Depok City) is reliable. The normality data test used Z test from Skewness value data distribution in the level of tolerance is 5% and the result can be seen in Table 1. In Structural Equation Model analysis, there is no single statistic measurement tool to measure or examine the hypothesis of the model. So, I used some fit index to measure the truth of the model. Some statistic experts have different points of view and recommendation about the fit model indicators, for example p-value, Chi-square, Root Mean Square Error for Approximation (RMSEA) and Goodness of Fit Index (GFI). Based on Table 2, the analysis of conformity model of Structural Equation Model is as follow. Chi-square (X2) value is 5185.11 with p = 0.00000. This probability value is < 0.05 so this model does not fit from likelihood ratio Chi-square statistic. Chi-square (X2) model has to be smaller than the table value related to the degree of freedom (DF). The X2 is used to measure the overall fit, so the smaller the X2, the better the model will be examined. X2 tends to be sensitive to the size of the sample used and is always associated with DF to obtain relative X2. Hair et al. (1998) discloses a model that can be accepted its validity by fulfilling certain criteria, such as Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA) has to be less or the same as 0.08 (RSMEA ≤0.08), p-value > 0.05. The RSMEA value is an indicator of the most informative of fit model (Miller, 2002). In this research, the RSMEA value is 0.1. The value indicates that the model, event though not too fit, already reasonable enough and not including in declined category (Ghozali & Dan Fuad, 2008). Other measure is Goodness of Fit Index (GFI), it is said that a model is good if it has GFI 0 and 1. If the value is near 0, the model has less match. If the value is near 1, the model is fit. The Goodness of Fit Index (GFI) in this research is 0.42 and the value is in Marginal Fit category. So, the model is fit with model fit rules, then it does not need any modification. It means the model that has been arranged theoretically is supported or fit with empirical data in the field.
The recommended acceptance level is when AGFI has the same or bigger value as 0.90. The result of AGFI value in this research is 0.35. This result is included in marginal category. It is included not in a very good fit category because only a value that near 0.90 can be included in the category. Non Normed Fit Index (NNFI) is between 0 until 1. The NNFI value of the result of this research is 0.23, that is shown as a Marginal Fit (Wuecnsch, 2009). The exogenous latent variable in this research is compensation, development, and supervision. Each variable is expected to show how much it influences the performance of civil servants in the Government of Depok City. Based on the results of the research, it shows that the compensation has a significant effect on the error rate of 5% to the performance of 5.16. This shows that the compensation the Government of Depok City gives to Civil servants is able to motivate them to improve their performance, even though the amount of the compensation that is given to the employee is not maximum. The result of the observation shows that the low prosperity of Civil servants is giving negative influence towards the performance behavior (novelty). This finding is strengthened by the information from the interview; one of the reason of the low performance of Civil servants in the Government of Depok City is the low prosperity of the Civil Servants. It is not easy to improve the professionalism of civil servants in the Government of Depok City because it always contrary to the availability of state budget. The amount of compensations or reward also influences the performance of individuals, because the greater the rewards earned by individuals the better performance they will show. Basically, every employee, in all position, needs award from the state, and needs a recognition from others for his/her existence as an individual.
The fact is supported by the result of deep interview with the informants. The rewards that are given to the civil servants of the Government of Depok City are not only in financial (salary and allowance), but also in a promotion, car or shuttle facility, charter and certificate, and a thank you note, of which the mechanism of giving them already stated in Local Regulation (Peraturan Daerah) of Depok City or in Mayor Regulation (Peraturan Walikota). The prosperity of civil servants in the Government of Depok City is one of the challenge of organization, because it has to be built in equity, either internally or externally. Theoretically, the relation between rewards in compensation system and in performance system in civil servants of the Government of Depok City is significant. The higher compensation is given to the civil servants, the higher the satisfaction of performance of Civil servants will be (ceteris paribus) (Public Relation of Depok City, 2016). The triangulation shows that the satisfaction rate of civil servants in Depok City that is rising will increase the spirit of the Civil Servants in achieving high performance, because the reward that is given is not equal to all employees, but based on performance (internal equity). If this is managed well, the compensation will not only help the organization to achieve the aim, but also to optimally keep, maintain, and take care the civil servants. On the other hand, without proper and enough compensation, civil servants would not only express themselves in a low performance motivation, but also possible to leave the organization (move to another institution), as a form of resistance. Compensation in this research is a hygiene factor or maintenance. It is the extrinsic factors, which sources are from the outside selves of the employees. It interferes the behavior of civil servants on their lives and on the effort to improve the performance.
Related to this, Kadarisman (2017) suggests that compensation problems always attract great attention from every employee. This is because compensation is the source of the income, because their education, skill, and performance contribution is one of satisfaction elements of performance in an institution. Satisfaction towards compensation, which earned from an employee, is the main element of employee performance satisfaction. It means, the more satisfied an employee for their compensation, the more satisfied him towards his performances, and vice versa. The main element that will influence the satisfaction of a Civil Servants from his compensation is the equity that he feels from the earned compensation. The things that are needed to be elaborated deeply is that to improve the performance of the civil servants in Depok City, the organization needs to pay attention to the main factor, which is the truly reliable and professional human resources. Civil servant is a very important element in an organization. Human is the key elements that govern and control the elements of other organizations such as finance (budgeting), tools and equipment, and other resources. Therefore, the institution should give greater attention to the elements of employees, so that the employees can be reliable and able to perform professionally and optimally. The form of attention from the government allows the civil servants to develop, respects employees as human beings rather than as machines, and meets their needs by providing fair and equitable compensation.
The same thing was also explained from the FGD results. The appropriate compensation they received from their performance will affect their performance’ satisfaction and to be the evaluation that describes a person for his attitude, happy or not happy, satisfied or not satisfied in their performance. Job satisfaction of civil servants is an individual thing, because each individual will have different level of satisfaction according to the system of values that apply to him. The more aspects of the job that suit the individual’s desire, the higher level of satisfaction he will feel, and if the fewer aspects of the performance are in accordance with the individual’s desire, the lower level of satisfaction he will feel. The high level of job satisfaction of the civil servants in Depok City has a major influence for organizations, which is the lower or higher performance of employees, the delays and slow response of the civil servants, as well as causing deviant behavior. If Civil Servants performance satisfaction is high, it influences the improvement of productivity performance, organizational performance becomes more effective and efficient, and attendance rate and turnover of civil servants will decrease (Sommers, 2005). Performance satisfaction can be enhanced through the attention and good relation of the leader to subordinates, so that the civil servants will feel that he is an important part of the organization. Financial guarantee or compensation that provided fairly and reasonably will also determine the satisfaction of the performance. A fair compensation in accordance to expectations, salary levels, and skills of the civil servants will lead to a job satisfaction (Ruky, 2006). The compensation given by the organization to the civil servants aims to attract prospective Civil Servants, maintain competent and professional personnel, and increase the satisfaction of civil servants to be more motivated. Fair and decent compensation provided by the organization will stimulate the performance passion and job satisfaction of the civil servants. Equitable rewards, or perceived fair rewards, will determine the satisfaction of the civil servants.
According to the theory of equity, Civil Servants will be satisfied when the ratio of input and output are balanced. If the benefits received by employees are perceived to be too large or too small, the civil servants will experience distress or dissatisfaction. If compensation is perceived to be fair, it will lead to performance satisfaction. Comparison of compensation that is reasonable or in accordance with other civil servants that have the same performance also influences the performance satisfaction. This finding (novelty) is similar to the result of Aritonang’s research (Aritonang, 2005) which shows a significant positive relation between compensation and Civil Servants performance. It means that the higher motivation an employee to get compensation from performance, the higher performance of him will be. Compensation is very important for Civil Servants who give their physic or mind to the state, and receive remuneration in accordance with the applicable rules of which the amount of compensation has been determined and known beforehand. In addition, if we look at the goals of Government of Depok City to achieve public satisfaction in its service, the Civil Servants budget, as well as other types of expenditure, they are the budget components that need to be monitored and controlled in the context of minimizing costs. So that, high performance of efficiency can be achieved. On the contrary, the civil servants argue that compensation is a mean of fulfilling the various needs of their life, because the needs of employees continue to grow. From another perspective, the civil servants also realized that the Government of Depok City is able to carry out the burden of duty due to the existence and the real performance of the Civil Servants, so the compensation must be received in the maximum amount in the context of maximizing performance.
The result of the triangulation process confirms that conflict of interest between the state (the Government of Depok City) and the civil servants in assuring earning often causes problems. Because of this civil servants compensation problem is important and critical, the Government of Depok City needs to pay close attention to positioning it at the optimum balance point and to meet the needs between Civil Servants and the State (the Government of Depok City), so that both parties equally win and satisfy. Based on the result of the research, it shows that there is significant influence of the development of Civil servants towards the performance of the Government of Depok City with 5% error rate is 3.77, but it has a negative relation. The negative value (-) can be absolute to show how much the influence of the imperfect indicators of the resulted number. From this result, it can be concluded that the development of civil servants should have a positive influence on the performance of the civil servants. However, if the non-suit development of the civil servants is continuously carried out (without training needs analysis/training needs assessment), negative influence is likely to happen. It means that the development of the civil servants is less beneficial for the progress of the Government of Depok City. Thus, the Civil Servants need to be involved in the development planning of civil servants. Do not force or assign employees to join a certain course and training that he does not want or does not need. If it does, the result will be less maximum or even has a negative influence. Sometimes, it will lead to a decreasing performance. The development of the civil servants in the organization must be based on the result of the assessment of individual or organization needs. In other words, the development of civil servants should be corresponding to the needs of each individual, because the one who knows exactly what course or formal education required by the employee or the Government of Depok City, is the employee himself. This cannot be forced. Sometimes, a training that should be part of employee development is only to spend or waste the state budget, which result is not clear.
Other facts show that the superior put the Civil Servants into the training continuously is because the superior does not like the employee because the employee is noisy, cause problems, and never completed his performances (a form of punishment). The FGD result shows that the development of civil servants in the Government of Depok City is an important activity to be done by the organization. It has positive goals for the civil servants as an individual and for the Government of Depok City. The goals are knowledge, ability, and skill that are corresponding with the demand of their performances. The development activity is expected to fix and overcome the lack of performance implementation that suits the development of science and technology that is used by the organization. In the development of civil servants, training has an important role to increase the skill of civil servants according to the high level of changing times. Aside from it, the development of civil servants can also be done through formal education, which is a structured and tiered education. This formal education consists of basic education, secondary education, and higher education (Kadarisman, 2017). That explanation is supported by the result of in-depth interview which said that the development of civil servants is an effective way to face the challenges, such as the lack of skillful employees, the diversity of civil servants in Government Institutions of Depok City, the changing of the activity techniques that has been agreed beforehand, and the rotation of the civil servants. The development of civil servants in this research is an intended process and related to the Civil Servants career development. Hence, by doing that, a person will aware about things that related with the personal career and the steps in his life that contribute to the fulfillment of his career (Kadarisman, 2017).
Thus, supervision is the process of measuring and evaluating the effectiveness of the Civil servants in Depok City, and the efficiency of the use of performance tools in contributing to the achievement of organizational goals. Measuring in this research is the process of determining correctly, both the amount of performance (output) generated by the Civil servants and the overall organizational capacity. Given these measurements, the supervisor will act appropriately and reliably. In measuring the performance results of the civil servants, it is necessary to make measurement units capable of performing their duties correctly and objectively in calculating the performance of each units in the Government of Depok City (Rahman, 2010). The relation of variables with the indicator is as follows. Exogenous and endogenous latent variables were measured using a number of indicator variables (Solimun, 2002). Based on the model, the exogenous variable of compensation is measured through the indicator variables of X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6, X7, X8, X9, X10. The development variables measured through indicators of X11, X12, X13, X14, X15, X16, X17, X18, X19. The supervision variables are measured through the indicators of X20, X21, X22, X23, X24, X25, X26, X27, X28.
While the endogenous variables are measured by Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4, Y5, Y6, Y7, Y8,, and Y9. The compensation variable indicator form that gives the biggest contribution is the X5 or 0.86, which is about giving bonus fairly. Bonus or incentive is one element in compensation that the application can motivate employees to improve their performance (Weldon, 1999). Bonuses or incentives can be paid exclusively to the leaders or to the fellow civil servants. It is essentially an additional income based on the success of the performance shown by the employees over the specified average performance (Kalbers & Dan Fogarty, 1995). Such bonus payments or incentives tend to be based on the incorporation of individual performance variables of employees and group performance (team performance). Giving bonus/incentive by the leader is an acknowledgment or appreciation for the achievement of a goal or performance target that exceeds the performance target (Aritonang, 2005). The existence of this recognition or award will encourage the civil servants to improve their performance, so the employees will feel well appreciated for their successful performance. This is in accordance with the theory of Maslow (1994), which is appreciation is needed in motivating people in performance.
The explanation is supported by In-depth Interview to the informants, which employees need to have welfare physically and mentally, material, and non-material. The welfare of both physically and mentally is an essential need for every individual. In this connection, compensation should not ignore the welfare aspect. The improvement of professionalization of the civil servants should be followed by the improvement of both material and non-material welfare. So does the improvement of the welfare of Civil Servants, it should improve their professionalization. From the aspect of rewards of material or non-material, it must be admitted that it has not given satisfaction and justice. Although it is acknowledged that the dignity of the civil servants does not merely lie in the material aspect or outward symbols, in reality, humans generally judge a person from the material aspect and outward appearance (Gomolski, 1998). From this angle, the civil servant certainly expects reward system in the form of bonuses or incentives, to be able to adjust to the terms of adequate quality, fair, and equal. In the implementation, this has reflected the values of internal equity, and this is as a novelty to 1 (one) research. It is realized that this problem is a matter of agency capability and the management of the organization that continuously seek to improve the welfare of the civil servants, and to a certain extent it is felt by many employees of the Government Depok City.
In the future, the expectation of appropriate incentives can be realized, so that the entire civil servants can show its performance with full of self-satisfaction. Furthermore, the indicators for the development of civil servants, that give the biggest contribution, are the indicators of the improvement of the ability of civil servants (X16), the improving skill of the civil servants (X17), the enhancement of civil servants (X18) is 0.12, which shows the improvement of skill, ability, and attitude of the civil servants (Weldon, 1999) (Arikunto, 2014). One of the objectives of the development on the civil servants is to improve the skill, ability, and attitude of employees so that their performance can be improved and the organizational goals are achieved or even exceeded (Gunawan, 2002). The development of civil servants is an activity that must be implemented in the Government of Depok City to suit the capability, skill, as well as the attitude of civil servant with the demands of work.
The result showed that with this development activity, there has been improvement of ability, skill, and a conducive attitude of performance. This means that there are efforts to improve the civil servants in overcoming the shortcomings in carrying out the performance or the burden of organizational tasks that are getting heavier and facing high technology. Thus, the development of the civil servants is an effective way to deal with the challenges, including the lack of skillful civil servants as well as the diversity of the existing civil servants within the organization, the changing in technical activity that has been planned before, and the rotation of the civil servants (Sami’an, 2013). Based on these results, the following shows an image of the effect between variables, namely the three independent variables (Civil Servants Compensation), Civil Servants Development, and Civil Servants Supervision along with each dimension, to the dependent variable (Civil Servants Performance) with dimensions- dimensions (Figure 1).
Figure 1. The effect between variables, namely the three independent variables (Civil servants compensation, civil servants development, and civil servants supervision) to the dependent variable (Civil servants performance).

5. Discussion
In facing the challenges above, the Local Civil Service Bureau (Badan Kepegawaian Daerah) in Depok City can maintain the effective civil servants with this Civil Service development programs. The importance of doing the investment on capital equipment for an institution is to stay competitive and to adjust with the changes in technology. However, the capital equipment cannot operate efficiently if the civil servants are not capable and skilled. It is very important to be pointed out that the management realizes that the changes in technology can happen very fast. In other words, the investment in technology is only given a limited competitiveness, ‘because machines don’t make things, people do’. This needs to be elaborated further that the logic consequences to make the Government Institution of Depok City has sustainable competitiveness and difficult to be duplicated. The valuable investment in economic source is the employee. This cannot be postponed (Ni Luh Made Herawati1 & Dharma Suputra, 2016). The development of civil servants will create creativity, which is the ability to think something useful. So does the leader. They will have to learn any kind of knowledge conceptually and theoretically to achieve the bigger general goal. In this term, the knowledge of civil servants either conceptual or theoretical needs to be developed. The development is to improve the ability of civil servants in carrying out their duty and responsibilities. Usually, the civil servants are only able to performance effectively approximately five hours a day. However, after the development, the civil servants would be able to performance six to seven hours a day with higher quantity and quality.
From In-depth Interview, the ability of civil servants can be developed by the development of knowledge, such as the knowledge to comprehend the goal of the performance and the knowledge to implement the tips to carry out the performance properly, fast, safely, comfortably, cheaply, and professionally. Therefore, an organization can be said successful depends on the quality of the civil servants. Therefore, it needs to hold a good training program for the new and old civil servants to improve the effectivity of his performance in present and in the future. It then further explained that it needs the understanding of the importance of discipline in the organization. This is done to have a good performance in all of the rules and the hard work. Aside from the description above related to the development of civil servants, the Government of Depok City has to include the development into the List of Activities Planning (Daftar Rencana Kegiatan) including the arrangement of organization performance program and budget. If the development program of Civil servants is separated from the List of City Annual Activities Planning of Depok City (Daftar Rencana Kegiatan Tahunan Kota Depok), the development of civil servants would become a heavy burden and might be implemented part timely which will not give any benefits including the improvement of the organization performance and the employees. The result shows that the supervision of the performance has significant effect with 5% error rate is 4.84, but it has negative relation. The negative (-) value can be absolute to show the amount of influence of imperfect indicators towards the resulted numbers.
The supervision from Local Controlling Agency (Badan Pengawas Daerah) of Depok City is important to improve the performance of civil servants in this Institution. This supervision is applied to motivate the employees, so they can discipline themselves in implementing the performance either individually or in a team. In addition, the supervision is useful in educating the employees to comply and enjoy the rules, procedure, or existing policies, so it is able to produce a good performance. The description is sharpened by the result of the interview from the informants, that the supervision in this institution is an activity that is done to control the implementation of the performance, and the process of the performance will correspond with results that have been desired and planned. However, the supervision will have negative influence if it is done with an incorrect purpose, which is not supported by the data or facts. The supervision, for example, is intended to find the fault of civil servants who is not favorable or not giving something, but the fault is never existed (Posuma, 2013). The local government institution, which has employees with a better supervision level, is able to give several benefits, such as the fulfillment of prevailing norms and rules so that it can improve its efficiency and performance productivity. It is explained that the implementation of a performance of civil servants in Depok City is to achieve the goals and targets that was set by the organization. The goals and targets cannot be achieved at once, but phase to phase. A phase should be treated as an independent unit, either in a given time or in a plenary process. Although, it is clearly related to the preceding process and the phase that follows.
Since the Government of Depok City face various demands internally and externally, such as the increasing of competitiveness, growth and development, the increasing of ability to use technological breakthrough, new innovation/creativity, knowing the latest knowledge, and the ability of the employees that far more important than the present orientation. This condition is supported by the triangulation process that the supervision in the Government of Depok City is a managerial activity, or known as ‘Embedded Control’ (Sommers, 2005). It is done to prevent deviation when implementing the performance. In that managerial activity, leadership means a process that a civil servant as a leader is able to influence a group of people in his performance unit to achieve certain goals.
A deviation or error can occur during the implementation of the performance depends on the ability and skill level of the employees. The civil servant who is always given a direction or guidance from the superiors tends to do less mistakes or deviations compared with other employees who do not get the guidance. It is stated that the supervision is carried out when the duty or operational activity is ongoing. The orientation time of the supervision is in the present. The supervision is carried out to help the implementation of the agreement on achieving the organization’s goals. Such explanation is supported by the field observation that the supervision can be classified as a process, which is the management look at the process whether it is in accordance with the expected situation (Christilia, 2013).
For example, a budget plan is not a performance plan, but budget plan is also a control tool. In the planning, the leader has to decide that a certain amount of money must be spent to carry out each steps or activities towards the targets and compares the actual cost with the cost that has been budgeted to be able to know to what extent the organization holds to its financial plan. It further explains that if there is a deviation, the leader can look for reasons why the deviation happened. Therefore, the supervision by Bawasda of Depok City has an important role in achieving the productivity that is followed by the effectiveness and efficiency of the performance of the civil servants.
Factors that support the implementation of supervision, ie with the supervision that is regulated properly, then, employees will be encouraged to implement the discipline of work. The result of the triangulation process shows that the supervision done by the Depok City Government supervisory apparatus, (Badan Pengawasan Daerah/Bawasda), is a management control system that must be done through clear organizational structure, orderly policy, proper recording of employment report and continuous employee development. Likewise, the implementation of supervision by the direct leadership of the staff (inherent supervision), has an influence on the performance of the organization. Supervision is conducted by employers to help employees and facilitate the rules that support the performance of the organization in terms of handling cases in the field, employee discipline or other things (Sudiro, 2014). The supervision in this research is to create the conditions that can support the smoothness and provision of the implementation of the general tasks of the Government of Depok City, the planned policies, and prevailing of the local regulation. To improve and conduct the implementation of supervision in accordance with main duties, functions, plans, and performance programs of the organization, every performance units in the Government of Depok City must arrange the improvement of supervision implementation program annually. Other factors that can influence the supervision related to the explication of performance procedures of Civil servants in Depok City are the system and performance methods that regulated in the implementation of functions, authority, duties, and responsibilities of performance.
The Government of Depok City has technical performance units such as Department of Transportation (Dinas Perhubungan), City Planning Agency (Dinas Tata Kota), etc. These units need Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) in the form of main guidance of implementation and also main technical instruction for implementation of performance operationalization units that needs to be updated and adjusted to the existing regulations and conditions in the field. The next factor that supports high performance supervision in the Government of Depok City is the performance environment. Every performance environment in Depok City covers the condition of physical environment and psychological environment. Physical environment is the room and supporting equipment, while the psychological environment is the condition of the performance unit and social interaction of the employees in it (Panudju, 2003), (Herjanto, 2011). The psychological environment in this research is the circumstances surrounding the work place when a personnel of the civil servants does the performance. This tendency is a condition that can influence the welfare of the individual. Thus, the individual will be more efficient to produce something, because the poor psychological performance environment will cause fatigue, emotional tension, and lack of motivation. On the other hand, a good psychological performance environment will create high Civil Service motivation and does not cause fatigue and emotional tension. It needs to be elaborated that the working relation of civil servants in Depok City, which firm and help each other between Civil Servants and among subordinates with superiors, will have a good influence towards the performance satisfaction of the Civil Service (Daswati, 2009). The existence of a firm relation within fellow civil servants shows the existence of good communication and cooperation. So, the problems will be quickly resolved by upholding professionalism. The well-established relation can make the existing civil servants becomes comfortable and feel as an important part in achieving the goals of the. It should be emphasized that supervision in the Government of Depok City is essentially a comparative measure between “dassollen”, or productivity/performance desired, with “dassain”, or the generated performance, by the employees. Supervisors need data or fact to get current data performance results. Supervisors may do so by obtaining either written or oral reports, or conducting direct observations in the organization’s performance units (Meilan & Taher Alhabsy, 2001).
In facing these challenges, the management can conduct guidance to the civil servants effectively with civil servants development program. The Government of Depok City conducts investment in capital equipment to stay competitive and adjust to the technological changes. However, capital equipment cannot operate efficiently if the civil servants are unreliable and unskilled. It is important to realize that the technological changes that occur very quickly are obsolete, or investing in technology gives only limited competitive advantage, because “machines do not make things, people do”. The logical consequence of making the organization more competitive is the sustainability and more difficult to duplicate, so investment in the most valuable economic resource, which is human, cannot be delayed any longer (Mirsal, 2017). The greatest threat to the condition of the Government of Depok City today is that the civil servants are not fully ready (work force ill-equipped) to face the challenges ahead. In addition to the above explanation related to the development of the civil servants, the Government of Depok City must be include in the development program in the List of Planned Activities together with the organizational productivity/performance program and the arranged budget. If the development program is separated from the List of Annual Planned Activity, the development of the employee will be a heavy burden and may be implemented on an ongoing basis, which will not provide any benefits including performance improvement for the organization and for employees (Mega, 2016). Furthermore, the indicators that form the supervision variable that gives the largest contribution is the X20 or 0.49, that is the implementation of performance in accordance with the provisions (Nielwaty, 2017).
The supervision of civil servants is a management activity in conducting observations on: a. budget using by the civil servants in every organizational units in the Government of Depok City; b. the quality of civil servants owned; c. the ability and skill of individual of every civil servants and also team performance in the Government of Depok City; d. all facilities and infrastructure used by the civil servants in the Government of Depok City; d. motivation/morale of Civil servants; e. the work load analysis that faced a number of civil servants in the Government of Depok City; and so on. Supervision, as one of the functions of management, is an uninterrupted process to keep the implementation of duties, functions, and authority, so it does not deviate from the rules that have been established to achieve organizational goals. As one of the functions of management, supervision must enforce the pillars of efficiency, effectivity, and accountability, as well as appropriate rules and on target (Muhammad & Bambang Swasto, 2001). In this regard, the observations indicates that in the Government of Depok City, the leader provides leads or guidance to all staffs about what to do, and provide explanations of what has not been known by employees. In performing the supervision, the leader supervises the civil servants to know whether the duty or work that is assigned is conducted well or not (Ariani & Dan Badera, 2015). Is there are any constraints or obstacles faced by the civil servants in the Government of Depok City? if so, how far that obstacle influences the implementation on the duty to achieve organizational goals. The leader needs to know what his subordinates have been doing and are doing in the office, what has happened inside the unit he leads to move forward, and whether it needs any improvements or adjustments or changes in the work units that he controls (Hendriani, Sari, & Yovita, 2014).
The workload of civil servants in the Government of Depok City with the number of employees who have ability, knowledge, skill, and positive performance attitude are not balanced. This is organizational challenges that are being faced and this is also as a novelty to 2 (two) research. It means that there are some civil servants in the Government of Depok City whose ability or knowledge is less than the specified standard. Therefore, they should be improved or upgraded, by being enrolled in higher formal education, with the possibility of scholarships or educational assistance both from the budget of the Government of Depok City or from any institutions that offer scholarships in various levels of education (Markus, 1998). Likewise, for the civil servants in Depok City whose skills are low or less, that need “training needs analysis” or “training needs assessment”. All employees are assessed to the extent of the skill to carry out the performance or duty assigned to them, whether the Civil Servants is skilled or lacking, and what type of skills each employee needs (Anwas, 2013). Perhaps, each of the civil servants in Depok City has the same or different skill requirement in performing their duties, so it should not be generalized to all Civil Service. Indeed there has been forms of training organized by the Government of Depok City, but the results have not been optimal, especially English course training and sophisticated tools training such as the latest up-dated computer, or a current or valid techniques of calculation or bookkeeping, etc (Nova, 2014). Furthermore, a great strategic is required to improve the behavior of positive performance (attitude) for the civil servants in Depok City. It is to find out that way that the civil servants in Depok City to be more honest in carrying out their duties, obligations, and authorities.
So that no more cases of Collusion, Corruption and Nepotism are found, as well as other forms of violations. To find this out, the superior can, for example, assign a civil servant in Depok City in the financial work unit, to manage a small budget first. If there is no breach on using the budget, the Civil Servants will be ordered to manage a larger budget, and so on. However, in this case, the control/supervision function is still needed, besides paying attention to employee welfare factors and discipline (balanced between reward and punishment) (Nugroho, 2008). Thus, it should be emphasized that supervision is essentially a comparative measure between das sollen, or productivity/work desired, with the das sain, or actual work generated. Supervisors need data or facts to get the data results of the performance of civil servants in the Government of Depok City in the present (Brahmasari & Dan Suprayetno, 2008). Supervisors may do so by obtaining written or oral reports, or by conducting direct observations in organizational units. Supervision is the process of measuring and evaluation of the level of effectivity of employees and the efficiency of the use of the facility in contributing to the achievement of organizational performance (Ni Luh Made Herawati1 & Dharma Suputra, 2016). Measurement is the process of correctly determining the amount produced by the civil servants in the Government of Depok City, and the overall capacity. By this measurement, the supervisor will act appropriately and the truth is reliable. The measurement is necessary to be done by the capable unit that is able to carry out the duty correctly and objectively in the measurement of the performance of each unit (Markus, 1998). For performance variables, that gives the largest contribution is Y4 or 0.75, which is about work satisfaction. The job satisfaction of the civil servants in the Government of Depok City is an evaluation that describes an employee to express his/her attitude, such as happy or not happy or satisfied or dissatisfied in working. The higher the assessment of the activity is perceived as the individual desires, the higher the satisfaction of the activity will be (Firmandari, 2014).
Each civil servant in the Government of Depok City will have different levels of satisfaction, depending on the individual assessment towards aspects of performance, such as payment, promotion, working conditions, colleagues, and supervision that are felt in accordance with the wishes of the individual. The more aspects of the work that correspond with the individual’s desires, the higher the level of satisfaction he feels (Helmi, 2006). However, if fewer aspects of the performance are in accordance with the wishes of the individual of civil servants in the Government of Depok City, then, the lower the level of satisfaction he felt (Ghozali, 2016).The performance satisfaction of the civil servants in the Government of Depok City depends on the discrepancy between what should it be (expectations, needs, and values) with what Civil Service have felt through employment. A civil servant in the Government of Depok City is satisfied if there is no difference between the desired with the perception of reality, because the minimum desired threshold has been fulfilled. Based on the above discussion, the following is illustration of the result of the effects of variables. There are three independent variables of compensation for civil servants, the development of civil servants, and the supervision for civil servants.
5.1. Implications
Civil Servants are closely related to government organizations. The Civil Service is the most important resource that a government organization must have, meaning that without the Civil Service, the government organization will not be able to develop. Between government organizations with civil servants there is actually a close implication, namely between government organizations and Civil Servants are mutual need. Government organizations need civil servants to achieve their primary objectives, while Civil Servants need these government organizations to help fulfill their needs as living beings such as careers, shelter, food, family, and so on. For that reason, it is only natural that the State and Government provide compensation in return for its Civil Servants. Civil Servants should have given the best performance capability to the public organization in which they work. The compensation that the State and Government provide must be comparable to what the Civil Servants provide to the State and Government, therefore the public organization must be able to be fair to all its Civil Servants. So that the Civil Servants can provide the best performance to improve the performance of public organizations so that still exist. Civil Servants are urgently needed government organizations to manage these public organizations, to further develop. The development of the organization is certainly accompanied by the development of Civil Servants. Every civil servant can develop, if the government organization can manage the resources properly. One of them is to provide a balanced service with the performance of these Civil Servants. It is intended that the Civil Servants in the government can show improvement in the quality of their work as well as provide achievements for the organization, and compensation given in accordance with applicable law rules. Thus, this compensation is given to attract qualified candidates to join the government, retain Civil Servants who perform very well, as well as to motivate their Civil Servants. Government organizations in carrying out its activities are always carried out by dynamic Civil Servants and have the knowledge, abilities, attitudes, and positive behaviors that continue to development.
Developments in Civil Servants, will affect the development of the organization with the performance embodied in every activity. This public organization can be developed is the desire of every individual who is in the agency, so it is expected with the development of these government agencies are able to compete and follow the progress of the times. The progress of public organizations is influenced by internal and external environmental factors, which includes environmental factors that are internal Civil Servants who are assets of the organization (State). Guidance and development of new or old Civil Servants in public organizations, is one of the activities to adjust to changes and developments of Civil Servants. Therefore, it is necessary to assess the work (performance appraisal) that has been implemented by Civil Servants, will also improve their work performance. Civil Servants performance is influenced by various personal characteristics of each individual. In today’s competitive and global development, government organizations need high-performing, and dedicated Civil Servants who are truly professional in performing their duties.
At the same time Civil Servants need feedback on their performance, as a guideline for their future actions, so an objective assessment is required that describes Civil Servants performance. Performance appraisal results can indicate whether the Civil Servant has fulfilled the demands of the desired government agencies, both in terms of quality and quantity. Information in the performance appraisal of Civil Servants is a reflection of the development or not unit of the organization. In addition, the provision of education and training in government agencies to Civil Servants, closely related to work performance is how to keep Civil Servants to work properly and efficiently. Assessment of the effectiveness of development programs undertaken by government agencies to improve job performance is equally important to note, because with this assessment the government agencies will know more extensively the shortcomings and advantages of existing staff during the training. In addition, it is necessary to monitor the running of government organizations, which correlates with Civil Servants performance. With supervision given to Civil Servants, it can improve their performance so that Civil Servants get learning that can improve their competence, attitude, and behavior in carrying out their duties and responsibilities as state apparatus serving the community and holding firm vision and mission as well as objectives of government agencies.
Supervision conducted in government agencies is known as “In-line Monitoring”, which is the process of monitoring, inspection and evaluation of direct supervisors on the work and the work of subordinatesto prevent and attempt abuse of authority and deviations from the provisions, regulations and policies has been established. Monitoring, inspection and evaluation activities were conducted by a superior to his subordinates to undertake, to know, to establish and evaluate the results of the performance of the Civil Servants work to prevent or minimize the occurrence of errors and irregularities and to overcome them so that the plans that have been made can run well on target which the government has set. Thus, supervision is an important aspect of “Civil Servant Management” so that all government tasks, functions, and programs can work as they should. The function of supervision is also very influential on the performance of Civil Servants, because in the process of supervision can control the implementation of policies that have been determined. Therefore, in order for government Civil Servants to achieve good performance, it is required a good oversight function as well. Through good oversight policy, it is expected that the performance of Civil Servants currently considered weak, can be increased capacity to build a bureaucratic infrastructure that is more resilient and competitive.
6. Conclusion
Compensation for civil servants has a significant influence that is 5% error rate towards the performance, which is 0.61. There are also indicators that make up the Compensation Variable which provide the biggest contribution here is the Indicator X5 by 0.86, which is about justice in giving bonuses. This indicates that the compensation given to the Civil Servants has been proven to be able to maximize their performance, although the amount of compensation given to the Civil Servants does not suit the expectations. The higher level of satisfaction of the civil servants in Depok City increases the Civil Servants spirit in achieving high performance, because the compensation is given not the same but based on performance which can be shown by each employee (internal equity). If this is well managed, such compensation may assist the organization to achieve, obtain, maintain, and keep the civil servants optimally. On the contrary, without adequate and sufficient compensation, the existing civil servants would not only express themselves in the form of low performance motivation, but also possibly leave the organization (move to other institution) and so on as a form of resistance.
There is a significant influence between the development of civil servants in the Government of Depok City to the performance with 5% error rate is 3.77, but it has a negative relation. The negative (-) value can be absolute to show the imperfect indicators of influence of the resulted numbers. Thus, the development of civil servants should have a positive influence on the performance of the Civil Servants, but if the development of civil servants is done without adjusting to the needs of the organization or the needs of Civil Service, this may have negative influence. It means that the development of the civil servants is less beneficial for the improvement of Civil Servants and also the improvement of the Government of Depok City, so that the development of the Civil Service should be based on the needs of each Civil Servants or organization (developing needs assessment) that cannot be generalized. The results of the investigation indicate that Civil Servants need to be involved starting from development planning in a transparent manner and do not make any coercion. For example, assigning Civil Servants to follow a certain education and training, but the Civil Servants do not need the material/substance of the training. This condition will result in a less maximal or have a negative influence. Hence, sometimes it will lead to a decrease in performance, moreover the purpose of including civil servants in the training in certain cases is a form of punishment.
Supervision on the performance has significant influence with 5% error rate or 4.84, but it has a negative relation. The negative (-) value can be absolute to show the imperfect indicators of the influence of the resulted numbers. This means that supervision in the Government of Depok City of its Civil Servants is very important to do so that the organization remains exist. It is used to motivate Civil Servants to discipline themselves in carrying out the duty both individually and in team performance. In addition, supervision is also useful to educate Civil Servants to comply and enjoy the rules, procedures, and existing policies, to produce the best performance. The results of the investigation show that supervision here is an activity carried out to control the implementation of work carried out by employees, so that the work process is in accordance with the plan and desired results. However, supervision can also have a negative effect if it is done with a purpose that is not true and without facts, for example in certain cases it is intended to find fault with Civil Servants, but in fact these errors never existed. However, controlling can be negative if it is done with improper and non-factual purposes. For example, it is intended to find fault of an employee, but in fact the fault is never existed. The Government of Depok City which has Civil Servants with good supervision level can give some advantages, including the fulfillment of norms or rules and consistent with performance enforcement. So, they can improve their performance efficiently and productively.
This means that the supervision of the Government of Depok City towards civil servants is very important to be carried out to maintain the existence of the organization, motivate civil servants to be able to develop and discipline in carrying out the workload. Supervision is able to educate civil servants to comply with and enjoy the rules, procedures, and policies that exist, so that they can produce the best performance. Supervision of civil servants runs very well, so it provides several benefits including the fulfillment of applicable norms and consistent enforcement of work discipline. It is also able to increase the efficiency and productivity of its work, which ultimately has an effect on the amount of take home pay, because the amount of income is calculated based on the performance of civil servants in real terms.
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The influence of compensation, development, and supervision towards the performance of civil servants in depok city government, Indonesia
Author(s): Muh. Kadarisman | Peter Walla (Reviewing editor)