This study aims to create a management model of higher education Study Programs outside the University Area (PSDKU) Unpad Pangandaran. The method used is a qualitative method, with the type of descriptive research, data is collected by documentation studies, in-depth interviews, participant observation and surveys. The main informants in this study were managers, lecturers, and students. The survey was conducted on 35 students accidentally to determine the level of student satisfaction. The results indicate that the management unit acts as a support team that facilitates the needs and interests of stakeholders for the smoothness and success of Unpad PSDKU in Pangandaran. satisfied category. Recommendations given that Unpad Pangandaran PSDKU should be managed with a special university management, namely by providing management autonomy in the financial field. Keywords: PSDKU, support team, stakeholders, level of satisfaction, financial autonomy

Prof (Ass). Dr. Rusdin Tahir

Senior Lecturer [study on leaves] Department of Business Administration Science Faculty of Social and Political Science UNIVERSITY OF PADJADJARAN Jalan Raya Bandung-Sumedang KM 21 Jatinangor 45363, West Java, Indonesia Ph: +62 22 7792647,7796416 Fax: +62 22 7792647 Mobile: +62 81 123 9491; 822 919 356 65 Email: rusdin.tahir@yahoo.com; rusdin@unpad.ac.id; rusdin@rusdint.com Web: https://rusdintahir.com Web: http://rusdint.com Web: http://www.blog.unpad.ac.id/rusdintahir Web: http://www.rusdintahir.wordpress.com Web: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Rusdin_Tahir/publications

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