Books by
IDN Research Institute
About the Report
With 70.72% of its population in productive age (15 to 64), Indonesia is enjoying a demographic bonus, which is hoped to help the country achieve its golden period in 2045. The millennials, born between 1981 and 1996, make up the second largest generation in Indonesia with 25.87% of the total population or 69.38 million people, trailing behind Gen Z (born between 1997 and 2012) at 27.94% or 74.93 million people.
As all millennials have entered the productive age, they become a key driver in the country’s economic growth. While there have been much discussion about millennials, most are based on anectdotal stories that lack evidence and data and hence might be more harmful than helpful. Understanding millennials, starting from their lifestyle, perspective, and values to their goals and challenges in life will help us uncover the true path to Indonesia’s golden era.
Our goal is to present a clear and complete portrait of Indonesian millennials, as well as to offer thought-provoking analyses of issues that will affect them in the years to come. We take a holistic view of their entire life aspect, emphasizing their distinct behaviors, and identifying where opportunities can be found for businesses.