

This overview paper focuses on the increased popularity of human resource management (HRM) in public management and public administration research. This is reflected in empirical articles published in scientific journals linked to HRM, public management and public administration in the period 2000–2016. The findings of the paper show some cross-fertilization between the different disciplines and the lack of it in some areas. The outcomes also provide input for a future research agenda including alternative theories, models, methods and research techniques for rigour and relevant HRM research in the public sector domain.

Concluding remarks

Human resource management (HRM) is gaining popularity in public management research. The overview in this paper provides some yardsticks and suggestions for new research areas and guidelines for setting up new research. The contribution of this study is threefold. First, the overview highlights what we already know about HRM in public sector domains based on empirical journal articles. Second, the study reveals cross-fertilization in some areas and the lack of cross-fertilization in other areas. Finally, the overview provides a future research agenda that could lead to more rigour in theories, research designs, methods and analyses.

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Paul Boselie

Paul Boselie (PhD) is a Professor of Public Administration and Organization Science at the Utrecht University School of Governance (USG, Utrecht University). His research focuses on strategic HRM and public service performance, employer engagement of vulnerable workers and effective management implementation in public sector organizations. He is the Head of Department of USG and author of the popular textbook strategic HRM – a balanced approach (2010 and 2014). Paul has published more than hundred journal articles, books and book chapters in the area of HRM, performance management, talent management, private equity and employer engagement. He is a former editor of Personnel Review and the International Journal of HRM.

Jasmijn Van Harten

Jasmijn van Harten (PhD) is an Assistant Professor in Human Resource Management at the Utrecht University School of Governance (USG, Utrecht University). She is also the Chairperson of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance.
In her research she examines the sustainable employability of employees. Other research interests include: leadership in organizations, the relationships between employee well-being and productivity, and contributions of HRM to individual and organizational performance.

Monique Veld

Monique Veld (PhD) is an Assistant Professor in Human Resources Studies at the Utrecht University School of Governance (USG, Utrecht University). Her research is concerned with strategic human resource management (in health care), strategic climate, employee well-being and employability.
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A human resource management review on public management and public administration research

Author(s): Paul Boselie,Jasmijn Van Harten &Monique Veld

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